Our Services
Nitrogen Compounds
Cyanide concentrations can be problematic particularly for gold mining operations. Various forms of oxidation are used including SO2-Air, peroxide, and ozone options. It is often possible to provide a long retention time in holding ponds for natural degradation of cyanide, at least as a polishing step. Envirobay personnel have done extensive testing in the past and designed treatment systems and water management options for cyanide control, some of which can certainly be applied to your site.

Explosives in mining may generate nitrates and nitrites which must be controlled prior to discharge. The choice of explosives and the proper management is the most cost effective option of control but is not always sufficient. Envirobay can help design the proper management options for your needs.
Another common problem in mine waters are ammonia (NH3) concentrations. Many strategies exist including stripping, oxidation, biological reduction, even water crystallisation (snow guns). Each of these are expensive and often inefficient to meet the needs. Recent developments have been made with ion exchange processes and Envirobay has partnered with leaders in this domain to best serve you.